Here it is...finally!!! This is the original drawing of the '25 Reasons I LOVE ART' surrealist image by Shurvon A. Haynes completed on 10-29-2015.

25 Reasons I LOVE ART
The 'my heART's Designer Series'
1. The admiration of the art painted on the black velvet fabric some of the best artwork ever made!
The Original Painting of 'my heART 25,' will be matted on a black velvet background in honor of the Original Black Velvet Paintings made in the 1970's and signed with a OH~SO FABULOUS Chinese Calligraphy paint brush.
2. The magnificent and detailed artwork made by other visual artists in my family.
In Honor of...Original Fine Art Collage Painting, featuring the original art images of my first two favorite artists, my aunt and uncle mounted on a piece of wood from a sewing machine to symbolize the clothes my mother made for me when I was a child.
~In honor of collage (see image below)
3. Beautiful flowers, natural earth landscapes and the sunset summer breeze.
Just Google the City of Seattle!
~Lake Washington Boulevard and the Seattle Waterfront
4. My love for fancy perfume bottles, make-up cases and fuchsia lipstick color.
#my favorite perfume = Sunflower, Red Door, 360°, Amarige, Diamonds and Sapphires, Beyond Paradise and vintage Avon Bottles. #myfavorite makeup and lipstick brands = Borghese, WW #521, Fashion Fair - Chocolate Raspberry.
~Westlake and Southcenter Mall
5. Reading beauty and fashion magazines. Watching celebrity movie and music award shows.
Ebony, Jet, Essence, Right On, Glamour Vogue, In Style and of course "O" by Oprah Winfrey. The Red Carpet reviews of all the Celebrity and Movie Award Shows.
6. Afrocentric and colorful outfits worn in most gospel church fashion shows.
Question: What Will Black African-American people wear when they get to heaven?
Answer: Afrocentric cross colored dashiki glory suits with matching air sneakers and glittery designer
Answer: Afrocentric cross colored dashiki glory suits with matching air sneakers and glittery designer
~Singing When we all get to Heaven and Going up a Yonder!
7. Hip-Hop Fashion icons: Salt & Pepa, movie actors and music entertainers.
The hair styles, music and clothes of the 70's, 80's and 90's = THE GOOD TIMES!
~Watching Krush Groove, Beat Street and Purple Rain
8. Born and raised in Seattle and one of the many naturally talented artists from the Central District neighborhood.
Just Google all of the famous people from Seattle and you will know what I'm talking about!!!
~The Lost Episodes of Seattle Got's Talent
9. The importance of seeing more black art on book covers, stationary and gift items.
The Historical Legacy of all the Black African-American visual artists is worth knowing and talking about...
10. Elementary school art projects and the teaching of the late Ms. Rainbow, legendary art instructor.
She taught many students in Seattle to be colorful, creative and innovative = ~betheartistsyouwishtoseeintheworld
Somewhere over the Rainbow and Ease on down the Road
11. Dramatic theatre plays, gospel singing groups and colorful art murals on buildings within the city.
~Langston Hughes Performing Arts Center, Total Experience Choir and much more!
Just Google: Festival Sundiata, Seattle Art Fair, Central District Public Art, Africatown Umoja Festival and more to have your own personal journey through the City of Fine Arts. = It's Summer Time at the Seattle Sea Fair!
12. The visual imagination that is developed from reading in silence. = Go to the nearest library and read a book! Douglass Truth Library
13. Good Ole' soul music and soul food.
Soul Music + Soul Food = Heaven on Earth while eating at Communion, LiL Reds, Taste of the Caribbean, Ezells, Classic Eats, Simply Soulful, Catfish Corner and Island Soul Food is so Good, So Good for you!
14. Downtown Seattle, Public Market, Nordstrom, Westlake Mall, Pacific Place Mall and the Seattle Waterfront scenery.
The everyday life of a Seattlelite!
~Ferry Boats, monorail, space needle and trolley busses oh my!
15. Big Colorful Earrings, Fancy Hairstyles and Fabulous Fashion Designs.
You can see all this on the YouTube video of the Afrostastic Fashion Show at the Northwest African-American Museum in Seattle.
~Black Afro Puffy Hair Power!
16. The need to decorate my personal space and the creative therapeutic healing process of painting colorful pictures. Just paint one picture for your home and you will see what I'm talking about. ~Art Therapy 101
17. Mixing watercolor paint in those little compact trays to make something beautiful.
#crayolavintagewatercolors=art class:101
18. Abstract designs, geometric patterns, shapes and colors.
"It's all in the mind's eye!"
~Through the Eyes of Art, Live at the MOPOP/ EMP-CENTER!
19. The personal knowledge of knowing that I would accomplish my creative visual fine art goals within my lifetime. "Walking and Living by Faith"
~From Crayola Crayons to Gesso Canvas, the Journey of being an Artists, new book by Shurvon A. Haynes, will be published in 2022!!!!
20. The importance of establishing a legacy of Fine Art that represents Black people at their best.
~liveyourbestlife=Legacy Living
21. Creative Ideas that are discovered while on my artists journey through this wonderful world of color. Shurvon~Shaynlicia Fashion and Fine Arts Designs, Fine Arts by Shurvon and Live ArtiFacts. ~I am an Artists!
22. The best way to combine my favorite subjects of fashion design, philosophy, sociology, culture, history and literature into one fabulous peace of artwork for the purpose of interior decoration and design. Fine Arts by Shurvon presents...collage assemblage paintings. ~The Fine Arts Combo Package created by Shurvon~Shaynlicia!
23. Drawing fashionable clothing designs and making detailed collages with paper, beads, glass and fabric.
See the Original Fine Art Exhibits of Fine Arts By Shurvon at
The Fine Arts Theory Designer Series 2014
my heART's Designer Series 2015
The Art of Fashion Designer Series 2016
*JuVon Fine Art Designs and The Wonderful World of Fine Art Radio Show with Shurvon and Julius on 2015 - PRESENT!!!!
~Fine Arts i Create Just 4U!
24. Making Fine Art that is one of a kind and original like stars in the sky!
The Sky Designer photography Series 2015.
~Sky Writer
RE~Create the Color Wheel for REAL!
~So True!
The items on this list will be featured in the 'my heART's DESIGNER SERIES'
PAINT + BRUSH + PAPER = 25 Reasons i LOVE heART!
In Honor Of...
Original Fine Art Collage Assemblage Painting by L. Haynes, K. Haynes and Shurvon Haynes
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